Saturday, July 3, 2010

Word of the day...

We all feel a bit embarrassed at times don't we...

Gettin' there...

Well, yep... Im gettin' there insha'Allah... I feel more focused than I have been in ages... yesterday I kinda let myself have a 'last hoo-rah' so to say and I ordered from Hardees for dinner... It was good and that was what I needed to move past my dumpy ways... I am continuing my liquids until I see a bit of a change in my appetite, insha'Allah. I have begun exercising more now... I've included jumping jacks (what I call 'double jacks' actually) and some sit-ups... which hubby helps with... I will be better at that when my tummy muscles get stronger... insha'Allah that will be sooner rather than later. I use my bike consistently every other day now... thats a huge improvement. I've still go a long way to go so I better get goin'... :)